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oh hi!

danielle & amanda here!

we are happily married & live in ontario, canada

with our son harley,

a fifteen year old wiener dog who doubles as

our quality control manager.


how did it all begin?

after many long months of living through the pandemic, we wanted to spread love to our community by sharing some of our most beloved things; candles & crystals.


francis & meyer collective was born with the hopes of bringing light into people's homes,

literally and energetically.


together, the three of us work together to put our love and positive intentions into every aspect of our brand.


we believe in equal rights for ALL.

our brand stands behind all minorities.




hello!  my name is aimee.


i’m the ultimate multitasker, professional coffee drinker,

and lover of all things creative. when i’m not indulging in my favourite hobbies, i'm working in sales to ensure francis and meyer can be found in your neighbourhood. 


my secret superpowers include the ability to brainstorm ideas at lightning speed and to make even the most mundane tasks feel like a party.


i'm a lover of all things bright and colourful,

and I firmly believe that life is too short not to burn your favourite candle!


if you or your store are interested in carrying our candles - reach out to me!




hi! my name is kathy.   


you’ve probably seen me at the popups.

i try to attend as many as possible to support my girls,

but really it’s not hard work as i love browsing the markets

to support francis & meyer and many other small shops as well.


i watched the birth of F & M at the beginning of the pandemic and it has and continued to be my great pleasure to see danielle and amanda’s passion grow for their products.


i have learned from them along the way and have started my own collection of gems.


i will do any odd job that needs doing and even sometimes dog sitting their furry son harley when his moms are gone for hours showing off their products.



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